Tag Archives: Hair Straightening Brush

Top 10 Best Hair Straightening Brush

How to choose best hair straightener brush guide

When you want to styling your hair in fast, hair straightening brush can be a great answer to solve your problem. This styling tool can make your hair look smooth, nice and straight at once. If you get the one, then you need to buy the high quality brush and use it properly and maintained so it will be worthy investment tools that you have in your room. When you want to buy hair straightening brush then you will find that there are many hair straightening brush brands come.

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How to choose hair straightening brush

  • The bristles. Bristles are the most important part on your hair straightening brush. If you have the wrong bristles in your brush, this can cause your hair break and lesser quality brush bristle can fall out and you need to replace your brush sooner than you expect. Find hair straightening brush that has food quality bristles which firmly rooted into brush base. The bristle type is also need to consider when you buy the brush. For hair that have sensitive scalp, choose brush with nylon bristles. This brush type will not hurt your scalp and make your hair smooth as well. For hair that become tangles easier, and then choose brush with ball tipped bristle. This will prevent tangling.
  • The plate is the crucial things need to consider. This part will be heated and contact with your hair so you need to pay attention to this part. The high-end brush will use advanced materials from ceramic or tourmaline that will make it reduce heat damage to your hair.
  • Handle. When you style your hair, then you need to have comfort to handle your instruments styling as you need to style sections on your hair.
  • The shape. The roller brush with circular shape will better recommend when it handle long hair. If short or medium hair, then choose flat brush.

How to use hair straightening brush

Using hair straightener brush is relatively easy and simple, but you still need to ensure you do in correctly to avoid your hair damage due to heat expose and get the best result. This technique below will help you to use hair straightening brush in correct way.

  • Wash your hair. Before use hair straightener brush you should wash your hair and shampoo so it will be nice and clean. Wait it dry thoroughly with towel so it will little damp when use hair straightener brush on your hair. You also able to add moisturizing hair product before straighten to prevent it from heat damage and frizz.
  • Brush your hair gently. Plug in the brush and turn on it to the temperature that you want. Recently, the brush has LCD display handle that show you the temperature from the brush. Use least amount of heat as it can damage your hair. Start the first section of hair that takes in back of head. Brush gently and slowly down towards the end. It might need about 3-4 times in each section to get straight and look nice. After the entire section complete, then you can do usual brush.

When brush your hair, ensure you brush deeply into each hair section so every strand will evenly straighten. Brush on slowly motion so each section will receive enough heat. Brush slowly also reduce you to brush each section in multiple ways and reduce the amount of time your hair gets exposed with heat.

How to maintain hair straightening brush

As you use your brush, you need to maintain it in correct way, so it will be uses for last. Clean it regularly, and unplugged it before you clean. Remove any strands in brush bristles. Once it has no strands and unplugged, then you can clean with wiping using damp cloth. The builds up residue in hair straightening brush can make your hair damage and reduce the effectiveness from the brush.

Top 10 Best Hair Straightening Brush